Breaking Bad: Jesse Pinkman an Assailant or victim?


Breaking bad is one of the epic shows in TV shows history. It has unique storytelling, interactive lightings, and amazing backdrops. But what made it stand out from other shows is the characters in it. Starting from Walter White to Gus Fring each and every character has its own role to play and makes the simple acts into an epic drama.

Jesse Pinkman, one of the old students of Walter White. He played an important role in the transformation of “Walter White" a High school Chemistry teacher into “Heisenberg” a drug lord. At the very beginning, Jesse Pinkman might look like a random guy who is partnered with his old teacher to cook some meth and make some money for themselves but later on the destiny changes.

Jesse after leaving his parents as his parents never accepted him as their kid. Lives alone, cook some meth and sells them, and lives his life as he wants but then Walter enters his life made a deal to cook some unique meth and asks him to sell those, and made him a partner. Jesse might not be a genius like Walter but he is actually a good-hearted person who tries to be bad. He is the type of guy who wants to be bad but actually ending up hurting himself doing good. He's an assailant, killed characters like Gale Boetticher, Joaquin Salamanca, and 6 other characters in the show. He was in a cycle of every common gangster. He drugs himself and he does what he wants and kills for his needs. He might lose his cool often and gets caught himself in some troubles and tries to escape from it.

Jesse is a victim of his own life. His total life was a failure. His first girlfriend died near him and he is not in the state of reviving her. His second girlfriend was also killed in front of him. He was in serious trauma throughout his life. He became his own enemy and had no trustworthy person at one point.

Jesse Pinkman actually deserved a better life but every single time it was denied what he deserved. No one can understand his pain and sufferings thus made a confused state whether he was a victim or assailant.

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