Gaming apps: Top 5 underrated mobile gaming apps


Triglav (Offline/Free)

Triglav is a roguelike dungeon crawler with hack and slash elements. The game is a standard roguelike. Having perma-death, progression, and a good amount of depth. The game starts with you choosing from 3 classes. But unlike most RPGs where you choose between a warrior an archer and a mage, you choose from 3 melee classes. Each and every class either improved in having maximum damage, defense, or fast phase. Each class also has one active ability. Although there isn't much combat variety, there is great depth in an item and stat augmentation. Basically, the game offers the same hack and slash gameplay, but you have enough item customization to change how you want to do it. Whether if you want a hit-and-run type character or tanky character with either damage reflection or even lifestyle, it's all up to you. The game has a tap and holds movement scheme and it works really good. The audio in this game is not that good but still bearable. The game is silent most of the time and some of the music just triggers and then stops when a certain scenario, such as boss fights, is over. Overall, Triglav is a roguelike reminiscent of classic PC hack and slash RPGs. Play this if you like loot-based dungeon crawlers.

Sigils of Elohim (Offline/Free)

Sigils of Elohim is a spin-off app of The Talos Principle. The game is a puzzler with Tetris-like gameplay. The gameplay is simply that you have to arrange blocks to perfectly fit aboard. There are a lot of levels in this game and the difficulty scales only on how good you are. Overall, Sigils of Elohim is a casual puzzler that is easy to just pick up and play and requires a good amount of thinking. Good as any casual games you can share with your friends and family and can be played for a long amount of time.

Roller Riot (Offline/Free)

Roller Riot is a tactical beat 'em up with 2D graphics and a good aesthetic game. The gameplay is that you have to tap either left or right to hit enemies in that direction. Enemies also do have a specific number of hits that need to take them down and you should take time when to hit because missing shots can put you vulnerable. The gameplay is simplistic and starts off very easy but as you progress, the number of enemies, as well as the difficulty will increase making the game more and more fast-paced which makes playing this game a very addictive and fun experience. The game also has great 2D art that combines futuristic cyberpunk elements with classic retro 80s trends.

Vikings II: Wolf Archer's Progenies (Offline/Free)

Vikings II is a standard shoot 'em up with great visuals. Like major shoot-them-up games, there are upgrades, power-ups, bosses, and enemies with a variety of attack patterns. It really does nothing new with the genre, but the art style is really what makes it unique and separates it from other generic 1945 or Skyforce inspired shoot 'em ups on Android and iOS. The gameplay is very engaging with its diverse enemy types and unique bosses every five levels. Almost every and every hero also has a unique attacking skill and there are also several power-ups you can pick up while playing.

Rogue Grinders (Offline/Free)

Rogue Grinder is a casual roguelike. There are distinct varieties of characters with their own skills. There are items that make you stronger, and there are consumables that either heal you or damage enemies. The gameplay is not as challenging or difficult but still requires strategy. The game also has retro graphics and very compact size of 8Mb. It's also a standard mobile roguelike. Having turn-based gameplay, a variety of enemies and bosses, perma-death, and the usual roguelike tropes.

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