One Punch Man: Saitama might meet his match in season 3


It may not feel that long ago but it has been three years since One Punch Man Season 2 ended and we have heard no news of season 3 in the works. It is most likely there won’t be one for our beloved Caped Baldy. Do not fret for, “I am here” & have compiled a list of mind-blowing epic developments from the manga which is going strong despite the anime being discontinued.

1.       Rank SS 1 “BLAST” appears:

We have been teased with The Hero Association’s Top SS class hero “Blast” but we have never seen him let alone his persona and abilities but in the manga we are introduced to blast when Amai mask explains how he swooped in and saved his butt, and also we have an interaction with Saitama and flashy flash in chapter 138 where they find a shady looking cube spouting,

” Place your hand on the box and pray, a deserving vessel will obtain power but the undeserving ones will be collected”


The next thing we know Blast appears inside a Black Hole and prevents them from touching it, I’m not gonna spoil much here, but let me say this we are given a glimpse of his powers creating portals on a whim and speed surpassing flashy flash. We also see a quick flashback where he saves Tatsumaki in her younger days with a cube in his hand nonetheless. (This is an "A Chekov's Gun" right there - plot point which we can expect to develop in the future)

2.       The True Puppeteer of the Monster Association – Gyoro Gyoro’s Secret

In the second season of the anime, we are shown the inner workings of the monster association, Monster King “Orochi” & Gyoro Gyoro controlling everything. But in chapter 94 where Garo confronts Gyoro Gyoro, we are introduced to a woman named “Psykos”

We are shown an instance where she follows Garo during his Hero Hunter Days and later Tatsumaki rips her out of her underground bunker and it is an all-out old fashioned Battle. Turns out she is a long time rival of Tatsumaki with psychic powers rivaling her’s and Gyro Gyoro was just a dead body she was controlling all along, she then goes on to absorb Orochi and transform into a giant being to fight the Heros


3.       Garo – The One True Monster is Born

Garo is not shown for a brief time until later, when he does appear he is nothing like what we remember.

The battles he has had with Orochi and Darkshine were the catalyst required to turn him not just a monster but THE MONSTER,  a being that defies logic and human comprehension. Bang’s brother Bomb was the first to find him and loses miserably. Bang swoops in and we are treated to an all-out battle between the master and Disciple.


I certainly cannot mention every great, an action-packed moment in the manga nor can I describe or express them to their full potential, most of us anime viewers may be abstaining from the reading manga for various reasons like the lack of  music or the fight sequence but Yusuke Murata the mangaka who does the art more than makes up for it? So much so that the panels are almost fluid when you are reading an intense battle sequence. So head over and give the manga a try. And certainly “One Punch Man” is a great place to start.                          


The Hypocritical Weeb,

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