Coffee Prince: 6 Reasons Why Couples should watch this K Drama

Coffee Prince is a cute and refreshing drama. It's like drinking hot, tasty coffee. This light romantic comedy genre may not attract all types of people but it sure does express our inner trauma, relationship feelings, emotional turmoil, and family bonding that we never dared to bring to light. Especially the show portrays the raw story between lovers showing people make mistakes, they forgive, and they learn, which is really a much-needed message to the couples who are in both short and long-term relationships. I love how the female characters are strong, independent, and accepting their partner's faults but also less understanding and not prioritizing which comes first.

1. Prioritize what's important

The very common reason for the couples not having a healthy relationship is that they don't know what needs to prioritize before another. In this show, the writer insists on viewers in many scenes that how partners should understand each other goals, dreams, and convictions to achieve something in their lives. You don't need to sacrifice them or concentrate only on them to be in a healthy relationship.  When Go Eun Chan prioritizes her family's situation and her education to protect her from the worst we can justify her reason and understand she's not thinking about only herself. But in the same episode when we watch Han Yoo-Joo prioritize her career over everything else, even the baby she carrying is condemnable. She's lucky she has a partner like Choi Han-Sung.

2. Never take advantage of someone

Couples usually tend to take distance from one another not because there is no love surprisingly that distance is what makes them bring closer than they were before. In that period never make any move or try to take advantage of your closest friend's company. This will seriously affect you, your partner, and that person. When Choi Han-Sung was having a serious breakdown in his relationship out of trust issues he did the opposite he wasn't supposed to do. He invited Go Eun Chan and kissed her without her consent for his self mental satisfaction to get back at his partner.   

3. Never hide secrets from your partner

What tears a person more than the dagger is the fact that their partner hides secrets from them. Trust me, this show is the perfect example of what happens when you hide something from your partner. Obviously, the secret may break them but they truly deserve to know every side of you. The pain that incurs hearing from you is nothing compared to when we hear from someone about that. When Go Eun Chan fooled Choi Han-Kyul that she's a boy for getting a job later when she falls in love with him she couldn't tell him afraid that he might not accept her. When Choi Han-Kyul heard the truth from Jin Ha-Rim it truly broke his heart. It took him a while to recover and become normal. 

4. We won't hold the leash too tight for now

Well, don't look so confused. We've all been there. Sometimes you ought to distance yourself from your egoistic girlfriend or boyfriend, who treats you less or only taking comfort from your presence. This technique is universal and it applies to anyone who loves each other. In Coffee Prince, over many instances, they displayed this love distance even to the side characters. When both Hwang Min-Yeop and Mr. Ku were pursuing their passionate honest love to Go Eun-Sae and Eun-Chan's mother, they were humiliated, treated like slaves, and not respected their attempt. Both men realized leaving them in the dark without any communication is the only way to get their women's attention. Spoiler alert, they got succeeded. 

5. Accept their past

There's nothing nobler than forgiving someone's mistakes and past accept them. When it comes to our loved ones this has to be a very far scale. Thinking about them and bringing that is present will only put your both lives miserable. One thing about I love this show is its quality. Hong Gae-Shik had a depressing backstory yet you can never see him complaining of how life is not doing him justice or bad-mouthing about his ex-wife. In another story, Chai Han-Kyul's father and his stepmother had also an unhappy past. He never let past his first love and accepts his second wife.  Even knowing that we can she never carried that sorrow in her face rather always smiling and makes others happy. 

6. Fights are temporary

When Han Yoo-Joo was sick she was too adamant to call Choi Han-Sung for his help. Later when he heard from Chai Han-Kyul he visited to comfort her. There you can nowhere see any hate between them except love. This is what we should also learn from this show.  Whenever we had any dispute with our partner take short time to clear our head and simply go and see them. No ego no self-esteem just simply be there. Your mere presence will put a smile on both the face and hearts.

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