The Suicide Squad: Why it is like another Joss Whedon DC movie?


All die-hard DC fans would never forget Joss Whedon's Justice League 2017 movie, according to many which was the dawn of D day for the DCEU. Many speculated that this movie was made to sabotage the DC franchise and its credibility among the audience. But why would they? Warner Bros owns DC, right? uhh...You know. After Joss's terrible, blatant copy of the Avengers league, fans were enraged and writing petitions to release Zack Synder's version of the Justice League. After a war with the WB, we got what we deserved, we could finally able to witness the masterpiece. 

So why highlighted the above event?.. is to imply a quote that says "History shall not be repeated".

Actually, in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad, it's triumphantly repeated. 

In David Ayer's 2016 Suicide Squad, most critics out there are expected a cinematic experience that Marvel movies performed which resulted in low ratings and negative reviews. In the aftermath, Ayer has admitted the film's flaws and that he'd do some things differently, including making Leto's Joker the primary villain. "I know it's a controversial film, I really tried to make something different, with a look and feel of its own," he wrote to a fan on Twitter. "Nothing hurts more than to pick up a newspaper and see a couple years of your blood, sweat, and tears ripped to shreds. The hate game is strong out there." 

Ayer has told in the interview that he had created a different directorial cut like Zack Snyder which was put on hold by WB. "I get it, it's a business," says Ayer. 


Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn entered DCEU like an Edward Norton with the controversial dark past. Gunn is a master in his own game, he's genius in bringing mind-blowing intricate details, colors, stunning visuals, and comedic action into the movies. In The Suicide Squad, the director didn't fail to add those elements along with blood and dark humor.

Unfortunately, the formula doesn't mix well in this movie. The plot is a fun action-comedy littered with pointless lengthy interludes, which add nothing to the story. The story starts with, Amanda Waller assembles the team of supervillains (Taskforce X) for the secret mission in Corto Maltese. When the Team approached the coast of the island its face-off with the outnumbered military army. The team dies pathetically, except for some main characters who were given reasons to live till the climax and in the next movie. I couldn't tell the director's intention is to make the characters look stupid or the audience. 

Not so shockingly revealed that there was another Team B of supervillains sent by Amanda Waller led by Bloodsport on the Opposite side of the shore to the same mission as a fail-safe. The team's mission is to find the Project Starfish hideout and destroy it. The team joins with Quinn after she escapes from the Corto Maltese government after learning of the new regime's plans to use Project Starfish against other nations. 

The squad apprehends the Thinker (Whom I initially thought Psimon, a meta-human scientist to break into Jötunheim, where they experiment with the Project Starfish. The team splits inside the facility after the forced break-in, most of the squad plants the explosives as part of the mission, and the Flag, Peacemaker, and Ratcatcher discover Starro's abilities and its experiment, Thinker revealed it was brought to Earth by the American government, who have been secretly funding the experiments on him in Corto Maltese. When Flag decides to leak a hard drive containing evidence of this revelation, but The Peacemaker stood against that idea. Starro the Conqueror escapes from the facility after the planted explosions detonated. In an attempt to take control of the city Starro unleashes thousands of its mini versions to take control of the people's minds. Waller tells the squad that their mission is complete but Bloodsport decides to lead his teammates in battling Starro.

Did the Squad win in the battle with the Starro the Conqueror?

Did Flag succeed in taking the news to the public? Watch the movie on HBO to know the answers. 

Yeah I know I've come here to bury Caesar not praise him. But we don't readers to blindly follows our words. We believe however the outcome remains the same.

Movie flaws:

  • Bloodsport has very awesome and advanced pieces of equipment which go totally unexplained. There wasn't even a single backstory to each character but when someone has such high-tech equipment and they are not aliens and they're set in the DCEU that doesn't have anything that advance on the earth shown so far, it just becomes a head-scratcher how a mercenary has it.
  • In the Flag rescue scene, it's as dumb a stunt as the Batman fights the bunch of heavily armed soldiers. When Bloodsport and Peacemaker fight rebels inside the camp soldiers don't even turn their backs when their comrades are dying and screaming, as if they were told to not make move until they approach. Gunn wants the audience to believe that's the camouflage but it's not. And how one can be enjoyed when a bunch of bad guys killing the freedom fighters. 
  • The Scene where Quinn escapes from her captors is absolute madness. You had to take your brain out for a minute to watch that. She single-handedly fights off the entire soldiers in the building who have crossed the power limits of the Batman. And the flowers, Gunn must have really inspired from Bollywood songs. "Never Go Full Retard"
  • Another major disappointment is Starro the conqueror, an ultimate DC villain who once fought the entire Justice League in comics had to be terribly killed using the javelin by Quinn was not DC-like.

We can strongly agree that James Gunn has daddy issues which we can see reflected in his TGOG movies and in The Suicide Squad. If characters need the backstory he would go directly highlight their traumatic relationship with the character's father. 

Overall it was another DCEU movie that makes us want the DC animated movie directors to direct the live-action as well. Come on WB, you released two Suicide squad animated movies to show how they should be written and directed. 

Overall, A couple clever moments of comic relief are inserted into a decent plot but a cartoonish villain, overuse of gore as a substitute for substance, and some cliche forced emotional moments ultimately see it land pretty mediocre.

Thanks for reading.

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