Leap Year: A Perfect Sunday Movie


You know those nights where you want to watch a movie, but a movie that you're familiar with? The kind where you can snuggle up and be sucked into the lives of the characters you've watched over and over and never get tired of? Leap Year's is that kind of movie. You can watch it after months and still makes you laugh like it's the first time seeing it. 


Anna Brady (Amy Adams) is an apartment stager from Boston who stages apartments for Realtors. She had a well-planned career and has been in a relationship for 4 years with Jeremy (Adam Scott), who is a cardiologist. They were planning to get an apartment together in Davenport. Well, I got to say to men don’t take too long to propose when she is ready to move in with you. Jeremy’s action made believe Anna that he will propose to her at dinner but he gave her earrings to her instead. She was truly devastated. Jeremy fled to Dublin for his work conference; she planned to propose to him there on February 29th. This is an old Irish customary she happened to hear that women propose to men on the day of leap year.

However, her airplane is forced to land in Wales due to bad weather and she is not able to find a connection since the Dublin airport is closed. She decides to travel in a supply vessel but she is forced to disembark in Dingle due to a storm. Anna walks to the only restaurant and inn in the area and she hires the cynical and sarcastic owner Declan (Matthew Goode) to drive her to Dublin. Declan, he’s the opposite of Jeremy - cold and rough young men in the interpretation of the English actor Matthew Goody. So, the adventure can begin ...

Due to the financial crisis, Declan accepts to drive and along their journey, they have many experiences which want viewers to wish they should have been there too. They started to crush each other which led eventually them to fall in love with each other. After they finally arrived in Dublin, unexpectedly Jeremy proposes to Anna. 

How does Anna realize that Jeremy is not the one and rejects him? Who will first confess their love between Anna and Declan? Will they accept their love and make this a happy ending movie? 

Watch the movie for the answer to these questions. 


Leap Year displayed amazing Irish scenery and landscapes, with all the right colors, composition, and saturation. The technical side of it is also impressive, as the filmmakers paid a lot of details into location scouting, set decoration, and composing a scene. The backing of a picturesque Irish setting will take to you the places from home. Along with the background score, it will be a delight to your eyes and ears.

Overall, if you drop the cynical eyes and enjoy a nice heart-warming screenplay, Leap year will be your perfect Sunday movie. There are few slow spots, especially at the very beginning, but the last 20 minutes are funny, touching, and real. I think it is a very good movie for our times right now, with a message that rebukes control and superficiality and all the trappings of what most of the feel makes for a successful life.

Thanks for reading.

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